“Holiday Publicity Planning” WORKSHOP

Friday, August 16, 2024

10am-12pm— Virtual (Zoom Session)

The problem:

The holidays are a competitive time for business owners looking to get more attention for their brands, but with special sales, events, promotions and initiatives, it’s a critical season for entrepreneurs.

How can they get ahead of the competition to catch the eyes of the media and their audience?

The solution:

We’re hosting an intense, fast-paced workshop to help you get the shine you’re looking for this quarter. The experience will include:

  • Pitch calendars for September, October, November, and December

  • 12 fresh media opportunities (not including traditional holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas)

  • 7-10 unique story angles that you can use for your specific business

  • 15-20 social media post ideas to emerge as a thought leader with fresh insight during relevant, high-traffic times

  • individual “hot seat” time with publicists to give feedback on your ideas


This is a fast-paced, hands-on experience.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • High-level content

    You’ll receive no-fluff content that cuts straight to key timelines and industry insights you need gain the attention of your audience and key media decision-makers.

  • Real-time feedback

    Ready for the hot seat? Workshops aren’t just instructional, they’re collaborative. Build out your personal PR plan receive feedback from both the facilitator and fellow attendees.

  • Pitch calendar

    You’ll receive four calendars to highlight key opportunities for media attention, along with timelines for when you should pitch what.



Are you ready for this?

  • 01: Identifying story angles

    You’re not getting attention because you’re not telling the right story. We’ll take you through our in-house framework to help you create fresh timely angles that appeal to the media.

  • 02: Pitch calendars

    We’ll examine upcoming opportunities for you to get media attention that positions you ahead of the competition.

  • 03: Using social media

    Many story tv and podcast invitations are generated from a thought leaders post. We’ll show you how to create holiday content that gets you noticed.

  • 04: Hot Seat

    After reviewing key opportunities and learning frameworks for crafting compelling angles, you’ll have a chance to share your plan with the group and get receive sharp feedback in real time.

But don’t take our word for it…

“I got a customized template telling me how to pitch a local reporter here in Tampa and within 30 minutes of sending it, we booked the interview. This training actually works.”

— Ashley Canay of Ashley Canay Photography

“It’s so good! After getting these strategies I feel like I had a battery put in my back, energized and ready to put them to use.”

— Michelle Sprott, Founder of Brunchnista