“Think Like a Publicist” WORKSHOP

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

9am-1pm— Hyde House, Tampa

The problem:

How are women entrepreneurs supposed to get more attention for their businesses when:

  • publicists are expensive

  • people gatekeep their contacts and strategies

  • there’s no time to run their businesses AND be a “content creator”

Women-led brands are looking for ways expand their visibility and thought leadership through more speaking engagements, podcast interviews and TV appearances and even books— but they aren’t sure exactly how to go about that.

The solution:

It’s simple: Learn how to think like a publicist and you’ll forever be equipped with everything you need to make your business highly visible.

Join us for an intimate in-person workshop on Wednesday, October 23 from 9am-1pm at Hyde House in Tampa (646 W Snow Ave Tampa, FL 33606)

Lunch will be included.

Attendees will meet in a private room with ten other women to learn about how to get more attention for their business while hearing ideas and feedback from facilitator Danielle Bayard Jackson and fellow attendees.


This is a fast-paced, hands-on experience.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • High-level content

    You’ll receive no-fluff content that cuts straight to tactical strategies you need to begin booking more speaking engagements, speaking on podcasts, and booking television appearances. The content is timely and updated to reflect the current media landscape.

  • Real-time feedback

    Ready for the hot seat? Workshops aren’t just instructional, they’re collaborative. Build out your personal PR plan receive feedback from both the facilitator and fellow attendees.

  • Expert instruction

    You’ll hear directly from publicists, journalists, authors, and six-figure content creators who will provide the insider information you need to cut through the noise and create stories and content that position you for real visibility.

  • Templates & Resources

    After you learn the content and view timely examples, you’’ll receive templates, pitch calendars, and scripts to help you connect with key people in a way that makes your brand irresistible.

  • Content Opportunities

    While you’re working, team members will capture video of you speaking that you can use later for social media content. (Because we believe in making this time together work for you in every way possible.)

  • Fuel

    It’s important to stay sharp so you don’t miss a beat. To keep you energized, our team will provide lunch. Don’t stress about what to eat— we got you.



Are you ready for this?

  • 01: Identifying stories

    You’re not getting attention because you’re not telling the right story. We’ll take you through our in-house framework to help you pull stories, angles, and talking points that journalists, podcast hosts, and producers love.

  • 02: TV & podcast interviews

    Whether you’re a beginner or expert at booking tv and podcast appearances, we’ll show you how to book them, leverage them for paid speaking opportunities, and get invited back again and again.

  • 03: All things speaking

    We’ll look at three strategies that help you find (and book!) speaking engagements to expand your thought leadership. Attendees will also learn how to determine their speaking rates and negotiate for themselves.

  • 04: Book deals & beyond

    How can writing a book solidify you as a thought leader and position you for major opportunities? Whether you self-publish or pursue traditional publishing, you learn everything you need to know.

But don’t take our word for it…

“I got a customized template telling me how to pitch a local reporter here in Tampa and within 30 minutes of sending it, we booked the interview. This training actually works.”

— Ashley Canay of Ashley Canay Photography

“It’s so good! After getting these strategies I feel like I had a battery put in my back, energized and ready to put them to use.”

— Michelle Sprott, Founder of Brunchnista