
We’re here to support you at

every stage of growing your

personal brand.

Whether you’re an aspiring content creator or an experienced business owner, we’ve got you covered. Our public relations services are designed to help you at every stage of your visibility journey. Turn to TELL for support with content creation, media representation, podcast interviews, and speaking engagements.

Because it’s time for those of us who are underrepresented and underestimated to finally get the shine we deserve.


Level 1:


Let’s be honest: Hiring a publicist is expensive. So how do you get the support you need without shelling out between 2k-5k per month (for a minimum of 6 months, in most cases!)?

Members of our “KISS and TELL” group can proudly say that they have a publicist in their back pocket. In our private membership group, you’ll get two emails each week, that include exclusive trainings and REAL MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES.

You can expect:

  • a monthly pitch calendar telling you important upcoming dates where journalists/ podcast hosts are looking for certain content

  • EXCLUSIVE training videos to break-down concepts and tricks that only publicists know (ex: how to find media contact info, how to negotiate paid speaking engagements, etc)

  • and REAL LIVE MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES (when we find out a journalist is looking for an expert source, our members are notified immediately)


Level 2:
Visibility Sessions

WARNING: This one’s intense.

No seriously, our one-on-one strategy sessions move fast and are packed with value. During our Vision Sessions, we’ll create a super-specific plan (it literally includes a customized day-by-day action calendar) for you to begin getting more attention for your brand and positioning yourself as the go-to person in your industry.

You’ll get two hours alone with a trained PR team that’s booked national media for clients across several different industries.

We promise: By the time the clock hits zero, you’ll know exactly what to do and how to position yourself to get more shine across multiple platforms.

You can expect:

  • Social media and website audits (Would journalists, speaking coordinators, and podcasts hosts want to book you based on your online presence?)

  • 2-3 unique story angles we create on the spot that you can pitch journalists, podcast hosts, and major influencers (including a script of exactly what to say)

  • Lessons on exactly HOW to pitch the media (including traditional and modern) — includes pitch templates

  • 2-3 weeks of social media content ideas

  • Customized 21-day visibility plan so you know exactly what to do— day-by-day— as soon as our session ends

Investment: $1,299 (can pay in two installments)

TRANSPARENCY: Traditional PR companies charge between $5k-$10k/month to work with them, and they typically require a six-month minimum. While our team can support you with full-service PR, sessions will equip you with everything you need to know to achieve similar results on your own.

NOTE: At the close of our session, you have the option of enlisting our team to support you in executing your strategy (Ex: researching media contact lists, planning event programming, writing press releases, writing your speech outline, etc.). Rate varies by project.

Level 3:

Customized Media Lists

Research is kind of our thing.

If you’re hoping to get booked on podcasts, local news, or popular digital outlets, but you don’t have the time to research each contact, we got you.

Our team will research a customized media list for you that includes:

  • a list of hand-picked podcast shows with audiences that reflect your target demo

  • contact information for each show

  • a personalized video from an experienced publicist walking you through exactly what to say in your pitch to each contact in a way that positions you as the ideal expert/ guest (including script and template)

If you have an established brand and extensive experience in your field, it’s time to share your knowledge in a more serious way. Our team is equipped to help you:

  • start (and maintain!) your very own podcast with services that include everything from marketing, scripting, editing, and production

  • ghostwrite your book (yes, seriously) so you finally have a key asset that will help you tell your story (and book major speaking gigs!)

  • Pitch you to the media (including podcasts, tv shows, speaking opportunities)


Level 4:
Thought Leadership Platforms



about our services

  • It depends on two factors: budget and time. If you have between $2K- $7K/month (for a minimum of 3 months) to allot for PR services, then hire a professional! You should also hire a publicist if you don’t have the time or desire to learn how to pitch for yourself. But if you ARE willing to learn, have 5 hours a week to commit to your visibility, and a limited budget, you’re a perfect candidate for TELL Courses and Consulting.

  • Short answer: Um, YES. Visibility is not about the amount of years you’ve been in the game or the number of people on your team. It’s about your unique insight, impact, and innovation. We’ve helped business owners with less than one year of experience to secure media coverage in newspapers, radio, and local news stations. As long as you can articulate (in two sentences or less) what you do, how you’re different, and the impact you’re making on a real-world problem, you’re ready to begin seeking visibility opportunities. (And if you can’t do those things, you need to sign up for our ‘How to Become a Go-To Industry Expert’ course, like, right now.)

  • Ah, yes—the dream of instant famous. Let’s face it: we all want to see the fruit of our labor as soon as we can. There’s no shame in that! But if you want instant coverage, we advise you to invest in ads instead (watch our video explaining the difference between ads and publicity).

    While 50% of our consultation clients secured their own media coverage within two weeks of working with us, PR is a long-game (Hint: If ANY publicist tells you they can get you guaranteed press fast, run.). Most PR agencies require a minimum 3-month retainer because it takes time to 1. Craft a strategy 2. Develop compelling story angles 3. Create strong media lists 4. Pitch to relevant outlets and 5. Hear back from interested writers/ reporters/ event coordinators.

    The good news? Once you begin landing your first few podcast interviews and magazine features, earning coverage gets easier. Soon, people will be coming to YOU requesting interviews!

Ready to get started?

Let’s chat about your business.